How to improve your efficiency when using Wacom tablet with Adobe Premiere Pro

How to improve your efficiency when using Wacom tablet with Adobe Premiere Pro
Photo by Faris Mohammed / Unsplash

One of the common issues that video editors, particularly those using Adobe Premiere Pro CC, often encounter involves efficiency in scrolling when they're working with devices like a Wacom tablet. It's a trace of frustration in an otherwise efficient video editing process that can result in video makers having to keep a mouse or trackpad nearby in order to navigate smoothly through their projects.

This time-consuming process can disrupt the workflow, causing minor to substantial delays especially when majestically stitching multiple frames on a timeline or detailed clip making in Adobe Premiere Pro CC. Often, users can find themselves in the infinitesimal struggle of not being able to efficiently scroll up, down, left, right within their timeline with the ease they so desire and require.

For users seeking a free way to ease their video edits, a solution that has been shared within the community is the utilization of a feature called “Grab Scroll”, available in the Smart Scroll software. By setting this option to a middle click or button 3, and making sure to disable inertia, users found that they could scroll around just by hovering, without the necessity to touch their pen to the tablet. Furthermore, it was suggested to fine-tune this setting specifically to Adobe Premiere Pro CC for smooth transitions while video editing.

Take note, this method, while effective, might not completely eliminate the need to keep a mouse handy, particularly when dealing with complex adjustments such as navigating a color wheel parameter. Here, alongside the AI video tools in Adobe Premiere Pro CC, the 'precision mode' in Wacom offers a slightly more tolerable solution albeit still requiring some precision and patience.

In conclusion, for video editor enthusiasts who interact daily with timelines and frames, juggling between multiple tools like Wacom Tablets while surfing the wave of technology with AI Video editing can be a continuous learning curve, constantly refining their techniques to create the best YouTube videos or digital impactful stories.

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